Department of economic studies
Publikováno: 5. 2. 2025 09:15
Autor: Ing. Martina Kuncová, Ph.D.

Final Thesis

Information on the final theses

The following internal regulations of the VŠPJ (all available in the IS) regulate the issues related to Bachelor Theses (hereinafter referred to as "BP"), which should be read:

Major points in the preparation of the BP:
  • The topics are announced continuously in the IS of the VŠPJ, according to the SER. The student is obliged to choose the topic of his/her bachelor thesis no later than the end of the fourth semester of the academic year of the bachelor study programme. The student will look at the listed topics in the IS and then contact the supervisor of the BP who has listed the chosen topic, whether it is possible to work on the topic and with the supervisor. If they agree, the student applies to the chosen topic.
  • If the student has not found a suitable topic, he/she may propose his/her own topic (to the potential thesis supervisor or department head). Although the topic may not be accepted, this does not happen in the case of topics directed towards the nature of finance and management.
  • The BP topic is ideally linked to the organization where the student plans to do the internship.
  • BPs from the Finance and Management programme sometimes contain sensitive data, the treatment of which is regulated by the BP Directive. Sensitive data should be avoided where possible.
  • The BP supervisor may also be an external employee (hereinafter referred to as external BP supervisor), provided that he/she has at least a Master's degree and at the same time has professional knowledge and experience in the field of the BP topic. The liaison person with the external BP supervisors is the BP coordinator Ing. Kateřina Berková, Ph.D. (
  • When elaborating, the student is obliged to carefully cite the sources of the ideas and data used (see guidelines on avoiding plagiarism)! Passages, illustrations, etc. taken verbatim (including texts and images from the Internet!) are clearly identified (e.g. text in quotation marks and italics), including the addition of a reference to the source. Paraphrased (in your own words transcribed) ideas should then be quoted normally.
  • The student should also work with foreign language sources in BP. It is possible to draw from books in the library collection (including foreign language) of the VŠPJ, paid databases of the VŠPJ such as Proquest, or serious articles on Google Scholar. Citations from Wikipedia and similar freely editable databases are generally not considered reputable sources in academic circles. Other credible sources can be accessed via remote access to the National Library (students can ask their thesis advisor or set up access themselves). At least 1 foreign language source should be used in the thesis.
  • Formal structure of the BP is defined in the BP Directive. The templates can be found in the help of the IS VŠPJ. In case of inconsistency of the template with the BP Directive, the wording of the BP Directive shall prevail.
  • The recommended length of a bachelor thesis is 30-60 pages (counting from the introduction to the conclusion).
  • The elaboration of the BP, the methodological procedure applied and the issue of citations are the subject of the Diploma Seminar, respectively elaboration of the Bachelor's Thesis 1 and 2.
  • Deadlines for the submission of the BP for the next round of the Final State Examinations (hereinafter referred to as the "FSE") are set by the KES FSE schedule published on the KES website (see files below).
  • The BP oponent is appointed by the BP supervisor or the Head of the Department or his/her representative. The oponent must meet the same requirements as those for an external supervisor. The rule is that an externally supervised BP is usually opposed by a member of the KES and an internally supervised BP by an external opponent. The student may recommend an external opponent (especially from the company to which the BP relates) to the BP supervisor.
  • The framework dates for BP defences (the defence is one part of the SFE) are set by the VŠPJ timetable, specific dates and schedules will appear on this page.

BP Directive

The Directive on Supervision, Development and Publication of Final Theses at the College of Polytechnics Jihlava can be found here.

Thesis Timetable

The timetable for the respective semester can be found in the files below.

Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

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Phone: +420 567 141 111
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Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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