Department of economic studies
Publikováno: 20. 3. 2025 08:44
Autor: Markéta Stejskalová

Finance and Management, Bc

Characteristics of SP

The standard study period is 6 semesters (i.e. 3 years). Graduates receive a Bachelor's degree.

Finance and Management programme supervisor: Ing. Jakub Dostál, Ph.D.

The basic aim of the study is to achieve a broad readiness of graduates to perform professional activities in the middle management of operational, personnel, financial, and organisational areas in organisations of all forms of business and public administration by providing a practically oriented bachelor's education. The curriculum is designed to enable the graduate to be immediately placed in practice, but it also allows gifted students to continue in similarly oriented follow-up master's programmes.

The graduate is equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills in basic economics, business economics, mathematics and statistics, law, management, marketing, accounting and taxation, corporate and public finance, financial markets, financial management and human resource management. The general competences of students in terms of their future employment are supported by foreign language teaching and the inclusion of subjects supporting economic and managerial competences in the form of presentation and communication skills. The chosen specialisation will enable students to deepen their already acquired knowledge and skills and focus on their future employment. The study includes a semester-long internship, which can be followed by a bachelor's thesis.


Graduate Profile

Finance and Management graduate

a   a) demonstrates, in an appropriate breadth and level of detail, knowledge of

  • financial and accounting issues,
  • mathematical and statistical methods used in the processing of economic data,
  • the legislative framework for the operation of economic legal entities, including the tax framework and methods of accounting data capture,
  • principles of investment and financial decision-making in relation to corporate social responsibility,
  • knowledge of current management approaches, business activities and processes, including methods, tools and technologies (IT) to manage them,
  • knowledge relevant to preparation for senior management roles, and knowledge of the broader context and impact of economic activity.
b) knows, in an appropriate breadth and level of detail, how to
  • assess and analyse the impact of the current economic situation on the business,
  • work with tax laws,
  • apply basic management tools in the field of labour relations,
  • apply marketing management,
  • assess the financial situation of the company, including tax issues,
  • apply basic financial management tools,
  • develop a business plan,
  • use information technology and software support for organisational, presentation and analytical work,
  • communicate in a work team, coordinate work procedures and synergies of individual departments in the enterprise.

c     c)  is linguistically equipped at a higher communicative level of the language.

 d)  is applicable, for example:

  • as a manager
  • as an economist
  • as an HR manager
  • as an administrative and economic officer
  • as a banking/financial consultant or advisor
  • as an accountant
  • as an independent enterpreneur


Study obligations

The standard duration of the Bachelor's degree is equivalent to three academic years, where the student must obtain at least 180 credits (i.e. an average of 30 credits per semester), of which:

  • 160 credits from compulsory courses
  • 12 credits from optional courses
  • 8 credits from elective courses

The course is taught in 6 semesters, each consisting of 14 weeks of teaching and 5 weeks of examination period. 

In the first three semesters, it is recommended that compulsory subjects should be studied. In the following semesters, students can choose from optional subjects (2 blocks). The exception is the sixth semester, which is reserved for professional internship and preparation of the bachelor thesis.

Languages are also included among the compulsory subjects. Each student must take English or German - the teaching is spread over 4 semesters.

Within the optional courses, students can choose from two blocks. The first block consists of courses that focus primarily on acquiring and developing hard skills. The second block of subjects, on the other hand, includes subjects that strengthen the ability to use the acquired knowledge and skills in practice and whose teaching is only in the form of exercises, as well as subjects that are primarily focused on the student's soft skills. In order to ensure a balance between the knowledge and skills acquired by the graduate, the student must choose at least one course from each block.

The student must take at least one course in a foreign language as currently offered during study. 

The curriculum includes a professional internship of 15 weeks, which further deepens the student's knowledge and skills and allows them to gain the experience necessary for a quick and smooth transition into practice. The subject Practical Placement FM is linked to the professional traineeship performance. The course includes both preparing students for the professional internship and continuous monitoring and evaluation after its completion. The actual performance of the internship takes place at a pre-arranged internship provider (companies, organisations, authorities, etc.). Students already working before or during their studies (especially students of the part-time form of study) can apply for the Practical Placement FM course recognition.


Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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